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NameLast modifiedSize

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YG431_2011084144500.SAO2011-03-25 16:11 8.5K
YG431_2011084144500.EDP2011-03-25 16:11 2.8K
YG431_2011084133000.SAO2011-03-25 13:46 7.0K
YG431_2011084133000.EDP2011-03-25 13:46 2.6K
YG431_2011084091500.SAO2011-03-25 13:31 7.6K
YG431_2011084091500.EDP2011-03-25 13:31 5.3K
YG431_2011084074500.SAO2011-03-25 11:01 8.3K
YG431_2011084074500.EDP2011-03-25 11:01 3.9K
YG431_2011084060000.SAO2011-03-25 06:06 7.1K
YG431_2011084060000.EDP2011-03-25 06:06 6.3K
YG431_2011084033000.SAO2011-03-25 03:36 859

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