pro pulse,file ;this code plots a pulse number ;created by Justin Mabie ;CIRES @ NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC ;30 October 2013 ;argument 'file' is the name of the IDL save file' print,'This code will plot the peak return of the chosen pulse. The plot range is from 30Km below the peak to 30Km above the peak. Power from each of the 8 receive antennas are plotted separately.' on_ioerror,bad restore,file ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SET PARAMETERS ;PLOT PARAMETERS device,decomposed=0 ;set plot and device parameters - to make it look nice !p.font=1 ;set font !p.charsize=2 ;set size of charachters !p.thick=3 ;set line thickness !x.thick=1 !y.thick=2 ! ;define plot colors tvlct,255,0,0,1 ;red tvlct,0,255,0,3 ;green tvlct,0,0,255,4 ;blue tvlct,255,255,0,5 ;yellow tvlct,255,0,255,6 tvlct,0,255,255,7 tvlct,255,255,255,8 tvlct,100,50,200,9 tvlct,0,0,0,2 ;create an x-axis array for plotting size=sct.timing.pri_count size=size/2 xaxis=findgen(size) !p.multi=[0,1,1] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; print,'enter a pulse number from 1 to ',size read,pnum freq=strcompress(sct.frequency.base_table[pnum-1],/remove_all) print,'frequency is ',freq,'KHz' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ngates=sct.timing.gate_count pulse=make_array(8,ngates) ;even pulses array of values mock=make_array(ngates,value=0) xax=findgen(ngates) xax=xax*1.5 ;xaxis in kilometers ;for each antenna for i=0,7 do begin ;each antenna - start with 0 only j=pnum ii=pulse_i[pnum,0:ngates-1,i] ;I qq=pulse_q[pnum,0:ngates-1,i] ;Q mm=sqrt(abs(1.0*ii*ii)+abs(1.0*qq*qq)) ;Power pulse[i,30:ngates-1]=mm[30:ngates-1] endfor ;each antenna ymin=0 ymax=max(pulse) a=pulse[0,*] center=where(a eq max(a)) cc=center[0] gatemin=cc-20 gatemax=cc+20 plot,xax[gatemin:gatemax],mock[gatemin:gatemax]+ymax/2.0,yrange=[ymin,ymax],xstyle=1,title='Peak of Pulse',background=255,color=0 ,xtitle='Range in Kilometers',ytitle='Total Power' oplot,xax[gatemin:gatemax],mock[gatemin:gatemax]+ymax/2.0,color=255 ;;;;;;;;;; for i=0,7 do begin line=i if (line eq 1) then begin ;this is because I don't like linestyle=1 line=8 endif print,'receive antenna ',i+1 oplot,xax[gatemin:gatemax],pulse[i,gatemin:gatemax],linestyle=line,color=i+1 print,'enter any number' if (i ne 7) then begin read,k endif endfor goto,endfile bad:print,'INPUT ERROR: YOU MUST PROVIDE A VALID IDL SAV FILE TO RUN THIS CODE!' endfile: close,/all end