subroutine iriprof implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) character*8 modx,id c tabulated profile set up by the IRI program IRINHPROF COMMON /XX/ MODX(2),X,PXPR,PXPTH,PXPPH,PXPT,HMAX COMMON R(6) /WW/ ID(10),W0,W(400) EQUIVALENCE (EARTHR,W(2)),(F,W(6)) dimension ht(1000),fn(1000) ccccc data modx(1) / 'IRIpro'/ data ipass / 0 / ENTRY ELECTX if(ipass.eq.1) go to 102 ipass = 1 open(unit=1,file='irinh.dat',status='old') read(1,100) flat,flon,ssno,fmon,hour,hmf2,nht 100 format(6f8.0,i5) print*,' profile is for lat,lon,r,mon,lt', a flat,flon,ssno,fmon,hour read(1,101) (ht(i),fn(i),i=1,nht) 101 format(6(f6.2,f6.3)) c HMAX = hmf2 102 x = 0. pxpr = 0. pxpth = 0. pxpph = 0. H=R(1)-EARTHR if( return nhm1 = nht - 1 do 10 i = 1,nhm1 ii = i if( go to 30 10 continue stop' trouble in ELECTX' 30 continue x1 = fn(ii)/f x2 = fn(ii+1)/f x1 = x1 * x1 x2 = x2 * x2 grad = (x2 - x1) / (ht(ii+1) - ht(ii)) x = x1 + (h - ht(ii)) * grad pxpr = grad RETURN END