c file bouger.for c prog to apply bouger's rule to an n(h) profile c written by leo mcnamara 4-feb-88 c----- last modified 10-feb-88 c dimension fn(1000),rr(1000),prod(1000) real mu c open (unit = 1, file = 'bouger.dat', status = 'old' ) open (unit = 2, file = 'data.out', status='old') degrad = 3.141492654 / 180. write(6,600) 600 format(//' enter wave freq, elev angle & h0 -- 3f5.0') read(5,500) freq,elev,h0 500 format(3f5.0) r0 = h0 + 6370. const = 6370. * cos (elev * degrad) if (freq.le.0.) stop c k = 0 do 50 i = 1,1000 read(1, 100, end = 99) aa 100 format(f5.0) if(aa.gt.10.) go to 50 k = k + 1 fn(k) = aa rr(k) = r0 + k - 1 mu = sqrt (1. - (aa/freq)**2 ) prod(k) = mu * rr(k) write(6,601) k, rr(k) - 6370., mu, prod(k), const write(2,601) k, rr(k) - 6370., mu, prod(k), const 601 format(i5,f10.1,f10.4,2f10.1) 50 continue 99 continue end