program ionmod_QP c c prog to determine Quasi-Parabolic profile parameters at a grid of c locations, for use in 3-D raytracing using the Jones program c c The grid is rectangular in GEOGRAPHIC coords for NO magnetic c field raytracing, (iray=0) c and in GEOMAGNETIC coords for raytracing c with magnetic field (iray=1) c c written by Leo McNamara 6-apr-89 (from ionmod_dud) c--- last modified 9-aug-89 c c LINK with files ips,layers,MSIS83,ilios,spoints,erectnh, c profile,ggm c ips loadgp,f2m3,tcon,gyro c msis83 MSIS83 S/Rs GTS4 etc c layers Elayer,solar,foeccir c F1layer,moddip,gdmd_interp,fof1OT c F2layer c Becker [not used - info only] c ilios c spoints spoints,distbear,latlon c erectnh erectnh,ym,qphfn,qlhfn,qlfnh,qpfnh,parabola,efqp c profile [only for looking at the N(h) profile] c ggm c c The model of the ionosphere is set up between the first end point c and the second end point. These points should be chosen so that c (1) the TX lies within the body of the grid c (2) all rays have all hops without leaving the grid at the c second end point c if (1) is not satisfied, the prog will bomb out - be careful c near the magnetic equator c if (2) is not satisfied, an error message is printed by RAYTRACE c but the prog will not bomb c c There are N-2 points along the circuit (N including the TX & RX) c These are the points (i,3) i=1,n c For the general case (see later for special cases), c there is a row of points (i,1) for which lat(i,1) = lat(i+2,3) c lon(i,1) = lon(i,3) c a row of points (i,2) for which lat(i,2) = lat(i+1,3) c lon(i,2) = lon(i,3) c a row of points (i,4) for which lat(i,4) = lat(i,3) c lon(i,4) = lon(i+1,3) c and a fifth row for which lat(i,5) = lat(i,3) c lon(i,5) = lon(i+2,3) c This grid facilitates the calculation of the partial derivatives c of X wrt theta (constant r & phi) and phi (constant r & theta) c in ELECTX c p(n,i,j) j=1,npr are the profile parameters at each point (n,i) c c There are 4 SPECIAL CASES - when propagation is, or is nearly, c N,S,E or W. In these cases, the above grid collapses and rectangular c grids lying N - S or E - W must be set up. A special case is invoked c if the difference from any of the 4 cardinal directions is less than c the parameter "BDIFF". The grid lines will be STPLON or STPLAT apart c and follow lines of longitude & latitude (NOT great circles) c c--- required input data:- c mon month c iday UT day c ih UT hour c min UT minute c tindex ionospheric index, T c r12 12-month smoothed sunspot number c glat1 geographic latitude of start point of circuit c glon1 geographic E longitude of first point c glat2 geographic latitude of end point of circuit c glon2 geographic E longitude of end point c f107a 3-month average 10.7cm flux (for MSIS) c f107 10.7cm flux for previous day c ap AP index - daily or array (See GTS4 listing) c nip number of profiles to set up between start & end points c iray =0 for grid in geographic coords c =1 for grid in geomagnetic coords c ipro > 0 if N(h) profiles are required (only 3*5 profiles) c = 0 otherwise c c--- output data .. in the file IONMOD_QP.DAT c 5 lines of headings etc c nop total number of points along circuit c iray c ispec special case azimuths - 0,90,180,270; -98 for general case c p(i,j,k) i=1,nip+2 points along the circuit c p(i,j,k) j=1,5 "rows" of data points (parallel) c p(i,j,k) k = 1,20 where c k=1 colatitude of point (degrees) c k=2 geographic latitude (degrees) c k=3 geomagnetic colatitude c k=4 geomagnetic longitude c k=5 foE E layer c k=6 yme c k=7 hme c k=8 foF1 F1 layer c k=9 ymf1 c k=10 hmf1 c k=11 foF2 F2 layer c k=12 ymf2 c k=13 hmf2 c k=14 hsf c k=15 hsf2 c k=16 fnmax transition parabola c k=17 ymax c k=18 hmax c k=19 invqp c dimension p(50,5,20),ap(7),flatt(50),flonn(50),nday(12) dimension fn(3,5,500),ht(500),fnn(500) character*10 munth(12) character*8 modx LOGICAL LCOND REAL M3000 real*8 X,freq,hh COMMON/IONDAT/FOF2, FOF1, FOE, HFF2, M3000, HME, YME, * HMF2, YMF2, H0, XD, DV COMMON/PARMS/BETA, HT, FT, At, HF, AD, TAU, HD, LCOND common / XX / modx(2),X, plus, other, stuff data munth / 'xgp.jan','xgp.feb','xgp.mar','xgp.apr', a 'xgp.may','xgp.jun','xgp.jul','xgp.aug','xgp.sep', a 'xgp.oct','xgp.nov','xgp.dec' / data nday / 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 / c c critical difference in bearing from cardinal direction bdiff = 8.0 c lat and lon spacing of grid for special cases stplon = 2.0 stplat = 2.0 c dv = 0.1 c c size of array dimension ndim = 50 c set the year in concrete lyear = 89 c radius of the earth rz = 6370.0 c c output is to file IONMOD_QP.DAT open (unit=7,file='ionmod_qp.dat',status='old') c grid-point data file on logical unit 1 - see later for OPEN cc open (unit=1,file=munth(mon),status='old') lunmap = 1 c NOTE that PROFILE writes to unit 2 open (unit=2,file='qpnh.dat',status='old') c the gyrofreq, dip & moddip maps are on unit 3 open (unit=3,file='gyro_gp_data.dat',form='formatted', a status='old') lundip = 3 c the N(h) profiles are written to DATA.OUT open (unit=4,file='data.out',status='old') c c initialize the arrays do 1 i = 1,ndim do 1 j = 1,5 do 1 k = 1,20 1 p(i,j,k) = 0. do 2 i = 1,3 do 2 j = 1,5 do 2 k = 1,275 2 fn(i,j,k) = 0. c write(6,600) 600 format(//5x,'Prog to set up the profile parameters for',/ a ' a 3-D ionospheric model, using the QUASI-PARABOLIC profile'//) c c read in the data 10 write(6,100) 100 format(//2x,'Enter UNIVERSAL time- month,day,hour,min', a ' ... MMDDHHmm', a //' hit RETURN to stop the program') read(5,200) mon,iday,ih,min 200 format(4i2) if(mon.eq.0) stop ' ..... all done' c open (unit=lunmap,file=munth(mon),form='unformatted',status='old') c write(6,101) 101 format(//2x,'Enter ionospheric index (T) & sunspot number', a ' (R12) .. format 2f5.0') read(5,201) tindex,r12 201 format(4f5.0) write(6,105) 105 format(//2x,'Enter 3-month average 10cm flux, previous days', a ' flux',/' and present days daily Ap -- 3F5.0') read(5,201) f107a,f107,ap(1) write(6,102) 102 format(//2x,'Enter geographic latitude & EAST longitude of', a ' ends of circuit .... 4f5.0') read(5,201) glat1,glon1,glat2,glon2 1022 write(6,103) 103 format(//2x,'Enter number of points between end points -- i2') read(5,104) nip 104 format(i2) if(nip.le.ndim-4) go to 110 write(6,111) ndim-4 111 format(//' ***** you can have only ',i3,' points'/) go to 1022 110 continue write(6,666) 666 format(//' Enter 0 for geographic grid; 1 for ', a ' geomagnetic grid') read(5,104) iray write(6,112) 112 format(//' Enter a positive integer if you want to calculate', a ' N(h) profiles for a lookie-loo ') read(5,104) ipro c c If iray =1, the grid is to be geomagnetic flat1 = glat1 flon1 = glon1 flat2 = glat2 flon2 = glon2 if(iray.eq.0) go to 5 call ggm (0,glon1,glat1,flon1,flat1) call ggm (0,glon2,glat2,flon2,flat2) type*,' Geom coords ',flat1,flon1,flat2,flon2 c FLAT & FLON are now geomagnetic 5 continue c c check for problems because of bearing call distbear (flat1,flon1,flat2,flon2,distsv,bearsv) type*,' Distsv & bearsv ',distsv,bearsv c if bearing is less than BDIFF from a cardinal direction, use the c corresponding special case special = -99. if(abs(bearsv-0.00).le.bdiff) special = 0. if(abs(bearsv-90.0).le.bdiff) special = 90. if(abs(bearsv-180.).le.bdiff) special = 180. if(abs(bearsv-270.).le.bdiff) special = 270. c recalculate (OVERWRITE) the coords of the second end of the circuit if( a call latlon (flat1,flon1,distsv,special,flat2,flon2) if( a type*,' Coords of end OVERWRITTEN to ',flat2,flon2 c write(7,298) mon,iday,ih,min,tindex,r12,flat1,flon1,flat2, a flon2,nip write(4,298) mon,iday,ih,min,tindex,r12,flat1,flon1,flat2, a flon2,nip 298 format(/5x,'UT mon,day,hour,min = ',4i3,5x,/ a 5x,'tindex,r12 =',2f5.1,5x,'lat & long =',4f6.2,i5, ' points') c c ccir formula relating r12 and flux12 (supp 252) flux12 = 63.7 + 0.728 * r12 + 0.00089 * r12 * r12 c use default flux values if not supplied (set to 0.) if(f107.eq.0.) f107 = flux12 if(f107a.eq.0.) f107a = flux12 c radius of Earth rz = 6370. uthour = float(ih) + float(min)/60. c day number of year ( for MSIS ) idayno = iday if(mon.eq.1) go to 12 mon1 = mon - 1 do 11 i = 1,mon1 11 idayno = idayno + nday(i) if(mod(lyear,4) idayno = idayno + 1 12 continue c ndm = nday (mon) if(mod(lyear,4).eq.0.and.mon.eq.2) ndm = 29 lmon = mon c c calculate the positions of the NIP points along the circuit type*,' flat1,flon1,flat2,flon2 ', flat1,flon1,flat2,flon2 call spoints (flat1,flon1,flat2,flon2,nip,flatt,flonn) type*,' flat1,flon1,flat2,flon2 ', flat1,flon1,flat2,flon2 c c total number of points along circuit, including TX and RX nop = nip + 2 c c store the geogc lat & lon of the points along the circuit p(1,3,1) = flat1 p(nop,3,1) = flat2 p(1,3,2) = flon1 p(nop,3,2) = flon2 do 1000 i = 1,nip p(i+1,3,1) = flatt(i) 1000 p(i+1,3,2) = flonn(i) c c for the last 2 sets, need the coords of 2 points past the rx, c with same spacing call distbear (flatt(nip),flonn(nip),flat2,flon2,dist,bear) call latlon (flat2,flon2,dist,bear,x1,x2) call latlon (flat2,flon2,2.*dist,bear,x3,x4) p(nop+1,3,1) = x1 p(nop+1,3,2) = x2 p(nop+2,3,1) = x3 p(nop+2,3,2) = x4 c c also have a few problems with the first 3 gridpoints 1,1; 1,2; 2;1 c find 2 points from tx, AWAY from rx call distbear (flatt(1),flonn(1),flat1,flon1,dist,bear) call latlon (flat1,flon1,dist,bear,x1,x2) call latlon (flat1,flon1,2.*dist,bear,x3,x4) p112 = x4 p122 = x2 p212 = x2 c c check for special bearing case if( go to 205 c c store the geogc lat & lon of the other 4 rows of points do 1100 i = 1,nop p(i,1,1) = p(i,3,1) if( p(i,1,2) = p(i-2,3,2) p(i,2,1) = p(i,3,1) if( p(i,2,2) = p(i-1,3,2) p(i,4,1) = p(i,3,1) p(i,4,2) = p(i+1,3,2) p(i,5,1) = p(i,3,1) 1100 p(i,5,2) = p(i+2,3,2) c there are 3 special cases p(1,1,2) = p112 p(1,2,2) = p122 p(2,1,2) = p212 go to 220 c 205 if(special.eq.90.0.or.special.eq.270.0) go to 206 c required propagation is almost N-S or S-N if(special.eq.0.0.or.special.eq.180.0) go to 2005 type*,' Special case error at 2005; special = ',special 2005 continue c Note longitudes are all the same as those at the Tx end do 1101 i = 1,nop p(i,1,1) = p(i,3,1) p(i,1,2) = p(1,3,2) - 2.*stplon p(i,2,1) = p(i,3,1) p(i,2,2) = p(1,3,2) - stplon p(i,4,1) = p(i,3,1) p(i,4,2) = p(1,3,2) + stplon p(i,5,1) = p(i,3,1) 1101 p(i,5,2) = p(1,3,2) + 2.*stplon go to 220 c required propagation is E-W or W-E c NOTE latitudes are referred to those at the TX site (end of circuit) 206 do 1102 i = 1,nop p(i,1,1) = p(1,3,1) + 2.*stplat p(i,1,2) = p(i,3,2) p(i,2,1) = p(1,3,1) + stplat p(i,2,2) = p(i,3,2) c the grid lines do not follow the great circle, so we cannot use c the previously calculated value of p(i,3,1) p(i,3,1) = p(1,3,1) + 0. p(i,4,1) = p(1,3,1) - stplat p(i,4,2) = p(i,3,2) p(i,5,1) = p(1,3,1) - 2.*stplat 1102 p(i,5,2) = p(i,3,2) c 220 continue c c if the locations are geomagnetic, move them into the right spaces c in the arrays, and fill in the geographic values do 240 i = 1,nop do 240 j = 1,5 if( p(i,j,3) = p(i,j,1) if( p(i,j,4) = p(i,j,2) 240 call ggm (iray,p(i,j,2),p(i,j,1),p(i,j,4),p(i,j,3)) c c the distance between rows 1 and 5 call distbear (p(nop,1,1),p(nop,1,2),p(nop,5,1),p(nop,5,2), a dist,bear) write(7,1112) dist 1112 format(' lateral distance between rows 1 and 5 is',f7.0,' km') c jray = 2 * iray do 1111 ll = 1,nop 1111 type*,' lats & lons ',(p(ll,l,jray+1),p(ll,l,jray+2),l=1,5) type*, ' lateral distance between rows 1 and 5 is ',dist c c set up the layer and QP parameters for each of the 5*NOP locations do 2001 ii = 1,nop do 2001 jj = 1,5 flat = p(ii,jj,1) flon = p(ii,jj,2) c c calculate the local time (from the UT) time = uthour + flon/15. lh = time lm = (time - lh) * 60 + 0.5 lday = iday if( lday = lday + 1 if( lmon = mon + 1 if( lday = 1 if(lmon.eq.13) lmon = 1 if( lh = lh - 24 reflon = flon hourlt = float(lh) + float(lm)/60. c c E-layer parameters call Elayer a (flux12,r12,lyear,lmon,lday,lh,lm,flat,flon,reflon, a chi,chi_noon,foe,yme,hme) type*,' E layer ', foe,yme,hme c c F1-layer parameters call F1layer (lundip, a r12,lyear,lmon,lday,lh,lm,flat,flon,reflon, a chi_max,fof1,ymf1,hmf1) c c F2-layer parameters call F2layer (lunmap,mon,uthour,hourlt,idayno,flat,flon, a foe,tindex,f107a,f107,ap,fof2,ymf2,hmf2) c type*,' F1 layer ',fof1,ymf1,hmf1 type*,' F2 layer ', fof2,ymf2,hmf2,hourlt c c store the layer parameters in the array P p(ii,jj,5) = foe p(ii,jj,6) = yme p(ii,jj,7) = hme p(ii,jj,8) = fof1 p(ii,jj,9) = ymf1 p(ii,jj,10) = hmf1 p(ii,jj,11) = fof2 p(ii,jj,12) = ymf2 p(ii,jj,13) = hmf2 c c calculate the QP profile parameters at each location call erectnh a (rz,foe,yme,hme,fof1,ymf1,hmf1,fof2,ymf2,hmf2,chi,chi_noon, a chi_max,hsf,hsf2,fnmax,hmax,ymax,invqp) c c store the QP parameters p(ii,jj,14) = hsf p(ii,jj,15) = hsf2 p(ii,jj,16) = fnmax p(ii,jj,17) = ymax p(ii,jj,18) = hmax p(ii,jj,19) = invqp c c if requested, calculate the N(h) profiles to look at if(ipro.eq.0) go to 250 c the plasma freq will be determined for the first NPRO c sets of 5 points npro = 3 if( npro = nop if( go to 250 call profile a (foe,hme,yme,hsf,fof1,hmf1,ymf1,hsf2,fof2,hmf2,ymf2,rz, a invqp,fnmax,hmax,ymax,ht,fnn) do 180 iih = 1,500 fn(ii,jj,iih) = 0. 180 if(fnn(iih).gt.0.) fn(ii,jj,iih) = fnn(iih) c 250 continue c 2001 continue c c write out the profiles if(ipro.eq.0) go to 300 write(4,400) 400 format(//5x,' First 3 * 5 profiles - not same heights'/) c latitudes write(4,401) ((p(l,j,1),j=1,5),l=1,npro) c longitudes write(4,401) ((p(l,j,2),j=1,5),l=1,npro) do 2000 ih = 1,500 sum = 0. do 1999 l = 1,5 do 1999 j = 1,5 1999 sum = sum + fn(l,j,ih) if( write(4,401) ((fn(l,j,ih),j=1,5),l=1,npro) if(mod(ih,10).eq.0) write(4,401) float(ih + 1) 2000 continue 401 format(16f5.1) 300 continue c c convert the latitudes to co-latitudes do 280 i = 1,nop do 280 j = 1,5 p(i,j,1) = 90. - p(i,j,1) 280 p(i,j,3) = 90. - p(i,j,3) c c write out the P array write(7,332) nop 332 format(/i3,' profiles, including TX and RX') write(7,335) iray 335 format(i3,' iray = 0 for geogc grid; =1 for geomc grid') ispec = ifix(special+0.5) write(7,336) ispec 336 format(i3,' special bearing case') do 333 i = 1,nop do 333 j = 1,5 333 write(7,334) (p(i,j,k),k=1,20) 334 format(5e16.8) c type*,' Length of circuit & bearing ',distsv,bearsv type*,' Special bearing case ',ispec c go to 10 end