program ION_QP c prog to set up a QP ionospheric model for raytracing with the c Jones program. c c To ensure an interpolation scale which is monotonic, a new set of c axes is introduced. This is called for convenience the GEOTRANS coord c system. It has its north pole at the transmitter. Lines of constant c GEOTRANS longitudes and co-latitudes intersect at the required c gridpoints. The longitudes are at +/- nX degrees either side of the c longitude of the Rx in GEOTRANS coords, and the co-latitudes are at c every Y degrees. The resolutions X and Y must be small enough to c track small-scale structures such as the mid-latitude trough. Note c that interpolation between gridpoints is linear. c c written by leo mcnamara 31-jul-90 c----- last modified 10-aug-90 c c The model is defined by a set of profile parameters given at a c number of gridpoints covering the part of the ionosphere through c which the rays will propagate. It should cover enough area to allow c for off-great-circle propagation, and for overshooting the Rx. c c The values of X and its derivatives required by the Jones prog are c derived by :- c X Interpolation between gridpoints, using the values of X c obtained for a given radius r at the 4 closest surrounding c gridpoints. Linear interpolation. c pX/pr As for X. The value of pX/pr is analytic, and merely requires c the substitution of the appropriate values of the parameters. c pX/pt Partial derivative wrt theta (co-latitude). Calculate X for c the given r at given theta, and at theta + DELTA theta, c keeping phi (longitude) constant at the given value. Then c pX/pt = change of X / DELTA theta. c pX/pp Partial derivative wrt phi (longitude). As for pX/pt. c c***** LINK with files ips,layers,MSIS83,ilios,spoints,erectnh, c profile,gg_gm c ips loadgp,f2m3,tcon,gyro c msis83 MSIS83 S/Rs GTS4 etc c layers Elayer,solar,foeccir c F1layer,moddip,gdmd_interp,fof1OT c F2layer c Becker [not used - info only] c ilios c spoints spoints,distbear,latlon c erectnh erectnh,ym,qphfn,qlhfn,qlfnh,qpfnh,parabola,efqp c profile [only for looking at the N(h) profile] c gg_gm c c--- Required files c 1 xgp.*** gridpoint maps of fof2 & m3000 for month *** c 2 qpnh.dat output file from s/r PROFILE c 3 gyro_gp_data.dat c 4 data.out generic output file used for debug & profiles c 7 ionmod_qp.dat the output file containing the ionospheric model c c--- required input data:- c month month c iday UT day c ihour UT hour c minute UT minute c tindex ionospheric index, T c r12 12-month smoothed sunspot number c tlat geographic latitude of TX c tlon geographic E longitude of TX c rlat geographic latitude of RX c rlon geographic E longitude of RX c extra_range model is set up for points downrange of the RX by c extra_range % of the actual range c ng_lat number of latitude rows to insert between TX and c and last latitude of model c ng_lon number of longitudes to set up either side of zero c i.e. either side of the TX-RX great circle c step_lon step in longitude between grid longitudes c ipro > 0 if N(h) profile at TX and RX are required c = 0 otherwise c c--- output data .. in the file IONMOD_QP.DAT c 5 lines of input parameters for identification purposes c gmlat_tx,gmlon_tx geom lat & lon of TX c nlat number of latitudes in grid c grid_colat colatitudes of grid (GEOTRANS coords) c nlon number of longitudes of grid c grid_lon GEOTRANS longitudes of grid c p(i,j,k) i=1,nlat c p(i,j,k) j=1,nlon c p(i,j,k) k = 1,19 where c k=1 colatitude of point (degrees) c k=2 geographic latitude (degrees) c k=3 geomagnetic colatitude c k=4 geomagnetic longitude c k=5 foE E layer c k=6 yme c k=7 hme c k=8 foF1 F1 layer c k=9 ymf1 c k=10 hmf1 c k=11 foF2 F2 layer c k=12 ymf2 c k=13 hmf2 c k=14 hsf c k=15 hsf2 c k=16 fnmax transition parabola c k=17 ymax c k=18 hmax c k=19 invqp c dimension p(50,5,19),ap(7),nday(12) dimension ht(500),fn(500) dimension grid_colat(100),grid_lon(50),param(19) character*10 munth(12) data munth / 'xgp.jan','xgp.feb','xgp.mar','xgp.apr', a 'xgp.may','xgp.jun','xgp.jul','xgp.aug','xgp.sep', a 'xgp.oct','xgp.nov','xgp.dec' / data nday / 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 / c c grid-point data file on logical unit 1 - see later for OPEN cc open (unit=1,file=munth(month),status='old') lunmap = 1 c NOTE that PROFILE writes to unit 2 open (unit=2,file='qpnh.dat',status='old') c the gyrofreq, dip & moddip maps are on unit 3 open (unit=3,file='gyro_gp_data.dat',form='formatted', a status='old') lundip = 3 c the N(h) profiles are written to DATA.OUT open (unit=4,file='data.out',status='old') c output is to file IONMOD_QP.DAT open (unit=7,file='ionmod_qp.dat',status='old') c c hardwire the year lyear = 89 c radius of Earth - consistent for all QP s/rs rz = 6370. c c geographic coords of geomagnetic north pole - consistent with IRI gmpole_lat = 78.6 gmpole_lon = 290.2 c c number of profile parameters at each grid point nparam = 19 c 10 continue c c initialize the arrays ap(1) = 0 do 1 i = 1,50 do 1 j = 1,5 do 1 k = 1,19 1 p(i,j,k) = 0. c c Read in universal time print*,' Enter UT - month, day, hour, minute - mmddhhmm' read(5,500) month, iday, ihour, minute 500 format(5i2) if(month.eq.0) stop ' Normal exit' write(7,701) month,iday,ihour,minute 701 format(5x,' QP IONOSPHERIC MODEL FOR ',4i2) c open (unit=1,file=munth(month),form='unformatted',status='old') c c Read in sunspot number (R12) and T index print*,' Enter sunspot number (R12) and T index' read(5,501) r12, tindex 501 format(10f5.0) write(7,702) r12,tindex 702 format(5x,' INDICES ', 2f10.1) c c Read in geographic coords of transmitter print*,' Enter geographic lat & lon of TX - 2f5.0' read(5,501) tlat,tlon c if(tlat+tlon.eq.0.) stop ' LAT=LON=0 ' write(7,703) tlat,tlon 703 format(5x,' Geographic coords of TX', 2f10.2) c c Read in geographic coords of receiver print*,' Enter geographic lat & lon of RX - 2f5.0' read(5,501) rlat,rlon write(7,704) rlat,rlon 704 format(5x,' Geographic coords of RX', 2f10.2) c c Read in the % increase in TX-RX range for which we are going to c set up the model (to allow for overshoot of the RX) print*,' Enter % of range required beyond the RX - f5.0' read(5,501) extra_range write(7,705) extra_range 705 format(5x,' Range increased by a % of ',f6.1) c c Read in the number of gridpoints to put along the circuit between c the TX and the endpoint print*,' Enter number of gridpoints to insert between the' print*,' TX and the end of the path - equally spaced in ' print*,' GEOTRANS latitude' read(5,500) ng_lat c c Read in the number of GEOTRANS longitudes, and the separation between c them, corresponding to the gridpoints print*,' Enter number of longitudes either side of the great' print*,' circle to use to define the grid' read(5,500) ng_lon print*,' Enter separation between longitudes - f5.0' read(5,501) step_lon c c ccir formula relating r12 and flux12 (supp 252) - used by MSIS flux12 = 63.7 + 0.728 * r12 + 0.00089 * r12 * r12 c use default flux values if not supplied (set to 0.) if(f107.eq.0.) f107 = flux12 if(f107a.eq.0.) f107a = flux12 c c move the TX a little down range (1 km) to ensure that it lies c within the grid call distbear(tlat,tlon,rlat,rlon,range,bearing) call latlon(tlat,tlon,1.,bearing,tlat_mod,tlon_mod) c c geomagnetic coords of TX call gg_gm(+1,gmpole_lat,gmpole_lon,tlat,tlon,gmlat_tx,gmlon_tx) c uthour = float(ihour) + float(minute)/60. c day number of year ( for MSIS ) idayno = iday if(month.eq.1) go to 12 mon1 = month - 1 do 11 i = 1,mon1 11 idayno = idayno + nday(i) if(mod(lyear,4) idayno = idayno + 1 12 continue c ndm = nday(month) if(mod(lyear,4).eq.0.and.month.eq.2) ndm = 29 lmon = month c c coords of RX in GEOTRANS coords call gg_gm (+1,tlat,tlon,rlat,rlon,rmlat,rmlon) print*,' GEOTRANS coords of RX are ', rmlat,rmlon c c range from TX to RX call distbear (0.,0.,rmlat,rmlon,range,bearing) c c we are going to set up the grid to cover an extra X% of range fac = 1. + extra_range / 100. call latlon (0.,0.,range*fac,bearing,end_lat,end_lon) c c we are going to set up ng_lat gridpoints between the TX and endpoint step_lat = (90. - end_lat) / float(ng_lat + 1) c c number of latitudes in the grid nlat = ng_lat + 2 c c the GEOTRANS co-latitudes at which the gridpoints are set up grid_colat(1) = 0. do 200 i = 2,nlat grid_colat(i) = grid_colat(i-1) + step_lat print*,' colat ',i,grid_colat(i) 200 continue c c the GEOTRANS longitudes at which the gridpoints are to be set up grid_lon(1) = rmlon - ng_lon * step_lon print*, 'first lon ', grid_lon(1) nlon = 2 * ng_lon + 1 do 210 i = 2,nlon grid_lon(i) = grid_lon(i-1) + step_lon print*,' lon ', i,grid_lon(i) 210 continue c c calculate the geographic & geomagnetic coords of the gridpoints do 230 i = 1,nlat grid_lat = 90. - grid_colat(i) do 220 j = 1,nlon call gg_gm (-1,tlat,tlon,p(i,j,1),p(i,j,2),grid_lat,grid_lon(j)) c geomagnetic coords call gg_gm a (1,gmpole_lat,gmpole_lon,p(i,j,1),p(i,j,2),p(i,j,3),p(i,j,4)) 220 continue 230 continue c c set up the layer and QP parameters for each gridpoint do 2001 ii = 1,nlat do 2001 jj = 1,nlon flat = p(ii,jj,1) flon = p(ii,jj,2) c c calculate the local time (from the UT) time = uthour + flon/15. lh = time lm = (time - lh) * 60 + 0.5 lday = iday if( lday = lday + 1 if( lmon = mon + 1 if( lday = 1 if(lmon.eq.13) lmon = 1 if( lh = lh - 24 reflon = flon hourlt = float(lh) + float(lm)/60. c c E-layer parameters call Elayer a (flux12,r12,lyear,lmon,lday,lh,lm,flat,flon,reflon, a chi,chi_noon,foe,yme,hme) type*,' E layer ', foe,yme,hme c c F1-layer parameters call F1layer (lundip, a r12,lyear,lmon,lday,lh,lm,flat,flon,reflon, a chi_max,fof1,ymf1,hmf1) c c F2-layer parameters call F2layer (lunmap,month,uthour,hourlt,idayno,flat,flon, a foe,tindex,f107a,f107,ap,fof2,ymf2,hmf2) c type*,' F1 layer ',fof1,ymf1,hmf1 type*,' F2 layer ', fof2,ymf2,hmf2,hourlt c c store the layer parameters in the array P p(ii,jj,5) = foe p(ii,jj,6) = yme p(ii,jj,7) = hme p(ii,jj,8) = fof1 p(ii,jj,9) = ymf1 p(ii,jj,10) = hmf1 p(ii,jj,11) = fof2 p(ii,jj,12) = ymf2 p(ii,jj,13) = hmf2 c c calculate the QP profile parameters at each location call erectnh a (rz,foe,yme,hme,fof1,ymf1,hmf1,fof2,ymf2,hmf2,chi,chi_noon, a chi_max,hsf,hsf2,fnmax,hmax,ymax,invqp) c c store the QP parameters p(ii,jj,14) = hsf p(ii,jj,15) = hsf2 p(ii,jj,16) = fnmax p(ii,jj,17) = ymax p(ii,jj,18) = hmax p(ii,jj,19) = invqp c c calculate profile at TX, & write to file if(ii.eq.1.and.jj.eq.1) go to 1998 go to 2001 1998 call profile a (foe,hme,yme,hsf,fof1,ymf1,hmf1,hsf2,fof2,hmf2,ymf2,rz, a invqp,fnmax,hmax,ymax,ht,fn) do 1999 i = 1,500 if(fn(i).gt.0.) write(4,400) i,ht(i),fn(i) if(fn(i).gt.0.) write(6,400) i,ht(i),fn(i) 1999 continue 400 format(i4,f6.1,f6.2) c 2001 continue c c write out the parameters of the model write(7,700) tlat_mod,tlon_mod write(7,700) gmlat_tx,gmlon_tx 700 format(5e16.8) write(7,706) nlat 706 format(i4) write(7,700) (grid_colat(i),i=1,nlat) write(7,706) nlon write(7,700) (grid_lon(i),i=1,nlon) write(7,706) nparam do 707 i = 1,nlat do 707 j = 1,nlon write(7,700) (p(i,j,k),k=1,nparam) 707 continue c go to 10 c end