subroutine QP_3d c s/r to find the values of X and the partial derivatives PXPR, c PXPTH and PXPHI to be used by the Jones program, given a gridded c array of the parameters required to erect a QP profile. c The array is set up by the program IONMOD_QP -- see the listing c to see what the grid is, and how the array of parameters is set up. c c first call reads in the array P c c written by leo mcnamara 6-apr-89 (from DUD_3D) c----- last modified 10-aug-90 c c uses QP_XPXPR, XPXPR_QPAR, QLFNH c real m3000 logical lcond character*8 modx,id real*8 x,freq,hh,pxpr,pxpth,pxpph,pxpt,hmax,r,w0,w,ffiray c common / xx / modx(2),x,pxpr,pxpth,pxpph,pxpt,hmax common r(6) / ww / id(10),w0,w(400) dimension p(50,5,20),colat(50),elon(50),xc(4),yc(4),kk(4,2), a xs(4),pr(4),hm(4) data ipass / 0 / c c--------------------------------- ENTRY ELECTX c--------------------------------- c pi = 3.141592654 radeg = 180. / pi degrad = pi / 180. c c read in the array P on the first call if(ipass.eq.1) go to 50 open (unit=3,file='ionmod_qp.dat',status='old') c skip first 5 lines do 20 i = 1,5 20 read(3,300) trash 300 format(a1) read(3,301) nop 301 format(i3) type*,' # of profiles ',nop read(3,301) iray firay = float(iray) ffiray = dble (firay) if(dabs(ffiray-dabs(w(1))).le.1.d-5) go to 1112 type*,' INCONSISTENT MODEL GRID AND W(1) ',iray,w(1) stop 1112 read(3,301) ispec do 333 i = 1,nop do 333 j = 1,5 333 read(3,334) (p(i,j,k),k=1,20) 334 format(5e16.6) c c arrange to use geographic or geomagnetic coords ir = 1 if(iray.eq.1) ir = 3 jr = 2 if(iray.eq.1) jr = 4 c c the colatitudes and longitudes of the points along the circuit c (including the TX and RX) c For E-W propagation, row 3 is a line of latitude, NOT the c great circle jray = 2 * iray do 30 i = 1,nop colat(i) = p(i,3,jray+1) elon(i) = p(i,3,jray+2) if(elon(i).lt.0.) elon(i) = elon(i) + 360. type*,'i,colat,elon',i, colat(i),elon(i) 30 continue c ipass = 1 return 50 continue c freq = w(6) hh = r(1) - w(2) c coords of point - r,theta,phi - work in degrees rr = sngl (r(1)) th = sngl (r(2)) * radeg ph = sngl (r(3)) * radeg if( ph = ph + 360. c c print out locations when ray hits the ground tz = 90. - th pz = ph if(dabs(r(1)-w(2)).le.0.01) type*,' r,theta,phi ',rr,tz,pz if(dabs(r(1)-w(2)).le.0.01.and.abs(w(1)).eq.1.d0) a call ggm (1,pz,tz,ph,90.-th) if(dabs(r(1)-w(2)).le.0.01.and.abs(w(1)).eq.1.d0) a type*,' r,theta,phi ',rr,tz,pz c nop1 = nop - 1 if( go to 59 c if(ispec.eq.0.or.ispec.eq.180) go to 230 c E-W or W-E propagation. jj is along the circuit; ii is across do 200 i = 1,nop1 jj = i if( go to 210 if( go to 210 200 continue type*,' Phi out of bounds s/n 200', ph,elon(1),elon(nop) go to 6666 210 continue c find the latitudes above and below the point (latitudes at all c ""jj" are in fact the same do 211 i = 1,4 ii = i if(,i,ir),i+1,ir)) go to 215 if(,i+1,ir),i,ir)) go to 215 211 continue type*,' theta out of range s/n 211', th,p(jj,1,ir),p(jj,5,ir) go to 6666 215 continue c c the 4 corners of the box surrounding the point P (for interpolation) c The latitudes all correspond to those at the end of the circuit, but c we will leave the coding general xc(1) = p(jj,ii+1,ir) yc(1) = elon(jj) xc(2) = p(jj+1,ii+1,ir) yc(2) = elon(jj+1) xc(3) = p(jj+1,ii,ir) yc(3) = elon(jj+1) xc(4) = p(jj,ii,ir) yc(4) = elon(jj) c the points at which the QP parameters are required kk(1,1) = jj kk(1,2) = ii + 1 kk(2,1) = jj + 1 kk(2,2) = ii + 1 kk(3,1) = jj + 1 kk(3,2) = ii kk(4,1) = jj kk(4,2) = ii ccc type*,' 4 corners ',(xc(i),yc(i),i=1,4) ccc do 9000 i = 1,4 ccc9000 type*,' the array kk ',(kk(i,j),j=1,2) go to 87 c c N-S or S-N propagation. ii is along the circuit, jj is across 230 continue do 400 i = 1,4 jj = i if(,i,jr),i+1,jr)) go to 410 if(,i+1,jr),i,jr)) go to 410 400 continue type*,' Phi out of bounds s/n 400', ph,p(nop,1,jr),p(nop,5,jr) go to 6666 410 continue c find the latitudes above and below the point do 411 i = 1,nop1 ii = i if( go to 415 if( go to 415 411 continue type*,' theta out of range s/n 411', th,colat(1),colat(nop) go to 6666 415 continue c c the 4 corners of the box surrounding the point P (for interpolation) c The longitudes all correspond to those at the end of the circuit, but c we will leave the coding general xc(1) = colat(ii+1) yc(1) = p(ii+1,jj,jr) xc(2) = colat(ii+1) yc(2) = p(ii+1,jj+1,jr) xc(3) = colat(ii) yc(3) = p(ii,jj+1,jr) xc(4) = colat(ii) yc(4) = p(ii,jj,jr) c the points at which the QP parameters are required kk(1,1) = ii + 1 kk(1,2) = jj kk(2,1) = ii + 1 kk(2,2) = jj + 1 kk(3,1) = ii kk(3,2) = jj + 1 kk(4,1) = ii kk(4,2) = jj ccc type*,' 4 corners ',(xc(i),yc(i),i=1,4) ccc do 9000 i = 1,4 ccc9000 type*,' the array kk ',(kk(i,j),j=1,2) go to 87 c c GENERAL CASE - find coords of box surrounding the given point P 59 do 60 i = 1,nop1 ii = i if( go to 65 if( go to 65 60 continue type*,' theta out of bounds -- theta,colat(1),colat(nop)', a th,colat(1),colat(nop) go to 6666 65 do 70 i = 1,nop1 jj = i if( go to 75 if( go to 75 70 continue type*,' phi out of bounds -- phi,elon(1),elon(nop)', a ph,elon(1),elon(nop) go to 6666 75 continue ccc type*,' II & JJ ',ii,jj c c the 4 corners of the box (clockwise, from top left) xc(1) = colat(ii+1) yc(1) = elon(jj) xc(2) = colat(ii+1) yc(2) = elon(jj+1) xc(3) = colat(ii) yc(3) = elon(jj+1) xc(4) = colat(ii) yc(4) = elon(jj) ccc type*,' 4 corners ',(xc(i),yc(i),i=1,4) c c the points along the rows of the grid at which the QP parameters c are required. kk(l,m) is used for P(kk(l,1),kk(l,2),n) -- 3 cases c case 1 ii = jj print*,' ii & jj ', ii,jj if( go to 80 kk(1,1) = ii + 1 kk(1,2) = 2 kk(2,1) = ii+1 kk(2,2) = 3 kk(3,1) = ii kk(3,2) = 4 kk(4,1) = ii kk(4,2) = 3 go to 90 c 80 if( go to 85 c case 2 ii = jj - 1 kk(1,1) = ii+1 kk(1,2) = 3 kk(2,1) = ii + 1 kk(2,2) = 4 kk(3,1) = ii kk(3,2) = 5 kk(4,1) = ii kk(4,2) = 4 go to 90 c c case 3 ii = jj + 1 85 if( type*,'ii,jj+1, theta,phi ',ii,jj+1,th,ph if( go to 6666 kk(1,1) = ii + 1 kk(1,2) = 1 kk(2,1) = ii + 1 kk(2,2) = 2 kk(3,1) = ii kk(3,2) = 3 kk(4,1) = ii kk(4,2) = 2 c 90 continue ccc do 900 i = 1,4 ccc900 type*,' the array kk ',(kk(i,j),j=1,2) c c set up the QP parameters for each corner, and find the values c of X and PXPR at the height HH 87 do 100 kc = 1,4 k1 = kk(kc,1) k2 = kk(kc,2) foe = p(k1,k2,5) yme = p(k1,k2,6) hme= p(k1,k2,7) fof1 = p(k1,k2,8) ymf1 = p(k1,k2,9) hmf1 = p(k1,k2,10) fof2 = p(k1,k2,11) ymf2 = p(k1,k2,12) hmf2 = p(k1,k2,13) hsf = p(k1,k2,14) hsf2 = p(k1,k2,15) fnmax= p(k1,k2,16) ymax = p(k1,k2,17) himax = p(k1,k2,18) invqp = p(k1,k2,19) call qp_xpxpr a (foe,yme,hme,fof1,ymf1,hmf1,fof2,ymf2,hmf2,hsf,hsf2, a fnmax,ymax,himax,invqp) c x, pxpr and hmf2 are in labelled common XX xs(kc) = x pr(kc) = pxpr hm(kc) = hmf2 100 continue ccc type*,' X',(xs(i),i=1,4) ccc type*,' PXPR',(pr(i),i=1,4) ccc type*,' hmF2',(hm(i),i=1,4) c c interpolate at the point P to get X, HMAX & PXPR (2-D interpolation) xa = xc(1) xd = xc(4) ya = yc(1) yb = yc(2) if(xa.eq.xd) type*,'theta,phi ',th,ph if(ya.eq.yb) type*,'theta,phi ',th,ph if(xa.eq.xd) type*,' xa & xd are equal --- ',xa if(ya.eq.yb) type*, 'ya & yb are equal --- ',ya if(xa.eq.xd) type*,' xc', (xc(i),i=1,4) if(xa.eq.xd) type*,' yc', (yc(i),i=1,4) if(ya.eq.yb) type*,' xc ',(xc(i),i=1,4) if(ya.eq.yb) type*,' yc ',(yc(i),i=1,4) xp = th yp = ph za = xs(1) zb = xs(2) zc = xs(3) zd = xs(4) fac1 = (yp - ya) / (yb - ya) fac2 = (xp - xa) / (xd - xa) zp = za + fac1*(zb-za) + fac2*(zd-za+fac1*(za-zb+zc-zd)) x = dble (zp) c calculate the product mu * r for Bouger's rule aamu = sqrt(1. - zp) h = sngl (hh) aar = h + 6370. bouger = aamu * aar cccc type*,' Bouger -- h, mu, mu * r ', h, aamu, bouger za = hm(1) zb = hm(2) zc = hm(3) zd = hm(4) zp = za + fac1*(zb-za) + fac2*(zd-za+fac1*(za-zb+zc-zd)) hmax = dble (zp) za = pr(1) zb = pr(2) zc = pr(3) zd = pr(4) zp = za + fac1*(zb-za) + fac2*(zd-za+fac1*(za-zb+zc-zd)) pxpr = dble (zp) c c the partial derivatives wrt theta and phi -- the second derivatives c are assumed constant over the box pp1 = (xs(1) - xs(4)) / (xc(1) - xc(4)) pp2 = (xs(2) - xs(3)) / (xc(2) - xc(3)) pp12 = pp1 + (pp2-pp1) * (yc(1) - ph) / (yc(1) - yc(2)) pxpth = dble (pp12 * radeg) ccc type*,' pp1,pp2,pp12 ',pp1,pp2,pp12 pt1 = (xs(2) - xs(1)) / (yc(2) - yc(1)) pt2 = (xs(3) - xs(4)) / (yc(3) - yc(4)) pt12 = pt1 + (pt2-pt1) * (xc(1) - th) / (xc(1) - xc(4)) ccc type*,' pt1 pt2 pt12 ',pt1,pt2,pt12 pxpph = dble (pt12 * radeg) ccc print*,' pxpth & pxpph ', pxpth,pxpph c return 6666 call ggm (1,zlon,zlat,ph,90.-th) write(2,6667) zlat,zlon,90.-th,ph write(6,6667) zlat,zlon,90.-th,ph 6667 format(//3x,'The ray has gone out of the grid provided', a /' at GEOGRAPHIC coords ',2f8.2, a /' & GEOMAGNETIC coords ',2f8.2) stop ' TRY it again, Sam .....' end