c file name test3d.for c prog to test s/r dud_3d.for c LINK with dud_3d,dud_jones,dudsub character*8 modx,id real*8 x,freq,hh,pxpr,pxpth,pxpph,pxpt,hmax,r,w0,w common / xx / modx(2),x,pxpr,pxpth,pxpph,pxpt,hmax common r(6) / ww / id(10),w0,w(400) c pi = 3.141592654 degrad = pi / 180. w(2) = 6370.d0 c frequency in MHz w(6) = 10.d0 10 write(5,600) 600 format(//2x,'Enter required latitude, east longitude, ', a 'and altitude --3f5.0'//) read(5,500) flat,flon,alt 500 format(3f5.0) if(alt.eq.0.) stop flat = ( 90. - flat ) * degrad flon = flon * degrad r(1) = w(2) + dble (alt) r(2) = flat r(3) = flon c call electx c type*,' x,pxpr,pxpth,pxpph,hmax',x,pxpr,pxpth,pxpph,hmax c go to 10 end