c file name TEST_OVl.for c prog to look at the latitudinal variation of the ICED oval c enhancements of fof2 c Mods are to smooth out the discontinuity at the equatorwards c edge (x1 = 0). The sign of x (x1) is irrelevant open (unit=1,file='data.out',type='old') pi = 3.141592654 a = exp(-1./32.) do 20 i = 1,30 x = float(i) / 10. y = x if(x.gt.0.5) y = 2. * x z_iced = exp( - y*y / 2.) z_mod = exp( - 2.*x*2.*x / 2.) if(x.le.0.25) z_mod = a * sin (pi/2. * x/0.25) write(6,100) i,x,y,z_iced,z_mod write(1,100) i,x,y,z_iced,z_mod 100 format(i5,7f10.3) 20 continue end