c file tprof.for c prog to check s/r profgen_dud real*8 hht(150,25) dimension ap(7) c open(unit=1,file='xgp.oct',status='old') lunmap = 1 open(unit=2,file='gyro_gp_data.dat',status='old') lundip = 2 open(unit=3,file='data.out',status='old') c 10 continue write(6,100) 100 format(//' enter UT year,month,day,hour,min -- yymmddhhmm'/) read(5,200) ly,mon,id,ih,im 200 format(5i2) if(ly.eq.0) stop ' all done' write(6,101) 101 format(//' enter Tindex & R12 -- 2f5.0'/) read(5,201) tindex,r12 write(6,104) 104 format(//' enter f107a,f107 & Ap -- 3f5.0'/) read(5,201) f107a,f107,ap(1) write(6,102) 102 format(//' enter lat & lon of ends of circuit -- 4f5.0'/) read(5,201)flat1,flon1,flat2,flon2 201 format(4f5.0) write(6,103) 103 format(//' enter desired no. of points along circuit -- I2'/) read(5,200) nop c call profgen_dud a (lunmap,lundip,ly,mon,id,ih,im,tindex,r12,f107a,f107,ap, a flat1,flon1,flat2,flon2,nop,hht) c do 30 i = 1,120 write(3,210) (hht(i,j),j=1,nop) write(6,210) (hht(i,j),j=1,nop) 30 continue 210 format(10f8.1) c go to 10 c end