lt2ut.des Be sure that your header records in ou_heade.ok are correct. This includes both the time zone and the dates that they are effective, such as start and end year/month. The start and end dates (YRMO) are after column 80. Be sure that you check both the input (local time) file and the output (UT) file. Check the NUT file to be sure that the day displayed there is actually day one (1) and not represented as day two (2). -------------------- November 2002 update. For the ou_heade.ok file, be sure that the TIME ZONE is not greater than 180 degrees. For stations with TIME ZONE equal to 180E or 180W, check the output to be sure that the day has not been shifted. No decision about any station with a TIME ZONE of 180 has been decided, as to whether the data will convert correctly and whether the station is really E or W. For any station with a TIME ZONE greater than 180 degrees EAST, the result will shift day 1 to day 2. An example would be Boulder with a TIME ZONE of 105W. If 255E is used, Day 1 becomes converted to UT, but the data are shifted and start as Day 2. The input file must be NEWURSI format (hourly data). The file name must be of the form, where the 840 is the stations code, the 96 is the year, and the new is for local time. THIS PROGRAM IS NOT YEAR 2000 compliant. To convert NEWURSI local time hourly data, you should change the year. After conversion of the data, be sure to change the year of both the input and output back to the proper year (2000, 2001, 2002, etc.). Also, be sure that you take into account LEAP YEARS. WHEN converting the NEWURSI UT file to IIWG, be sure to edit the fmin factor, as it will list it as 0.01 and it should be 0.1!