SURVEY SAMPLE LAT LON COLOUR NATQUA NATSUR SORDAT SORIND DESCRP PRMSEC REMRKS BEGIN_OBSTIM ORIG_DATUM DEVICE SOURCE H11459 1 56.1393 -158.093 Coarse brown sand (s-crs-br) with shels (sh) nosxx survey rep H11459 2 56.156 -158.093 Shell fragments (sh) nosxx survey rep H11459 3 56.156 -158.1097 Fine brown sand (s-fne-br) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11459 4 56.1393 -158.1097 Coarse black sand (s-crs-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11459 5 56.1393 -158.1263 Fine gravel (g-crs) w/coarse brown sand (s-crs-br) nosxx survey rep H11459 6 56.1393 -158.1597 Shell fragments (sh) nosxx survey rep