SURVEY SAMPLE LAT LON COLOUR NATQUA NATSUR SORDAT SORIND DESCRP PRMSEC REMRKS BEGIN_OBSTIM ORIG_DATUM DEVICE SOURCE H11461 1 56.0727 -158.4597 No recovery nosxx survey rep H11461 10 56.106 -158.443 Black mud (m-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 11 56.0893 -158.443 Black mud (m-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 12 56.0727 -158.4263 Coarse black sand (s-crs-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 13 56.0727 -158.4263 Black mud (m-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 14 56.056 -158.4097 Coral (co) nosxx survey rep H11461 15 56.0393 -158.4097 Rocky (rky) nosxx survey rep H11461 16 56.0393 -158.4263 Rocky (rky) nosxx survey rep H11461 17 56.056 -158.4597 Coarse sand (s-crs) with shell (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 18 56.0393 -158.4597 Black mud (m-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 19 56.0227 -158.4597 Stones (st) and pebbles (p) nosxx survey rep H11461 2 56.056 -158.493 Black gritty mud (m-gry-bk) nosxx survey rep H11461 20 56.0393 -158.4763 Stones (st) nosxx survey rep H11461 21 56.056 -158.4763 No recovery nosxx survey rep H11461 22 56.0727 -158.393 Coarse black sand (s-crs-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 3 56.0893 -158.4763 Black silty sand (s-silt-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 4 56.0893 -158.493 Black mud (m-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 5 56.0893 -158.493 Black gritty mud (m-gry-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 6 56.106 -158.493 Black gritty mud (m-gry-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 7 56.106 -158.493 Black gritty mud (m-gry-bk) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 8 56.106 -158.4597 Coarse brown sand (s-crs-br) with shells (sh) nosxx survey rep H11461 9 56.106 -158.443 Black gritty mud (m-gry-bk) nosxx survey rep