Surv Id | Format | Ngdc Id | Params | Create Date | Source Institution | Seq | ||
4 | L01167 | HYD93 | 03NG1248 | SF | 19960807 | National Ocean Survey, N.O.A.A. | 01 |
Country | Platform Name | Plat Type | Chief Hydrographer(s) | Seq |
U.S.A. | Unknown Ship | 1SHIP | S. Moore | 02 |
Project | Type of Survey | Strt Yr | End Yr | Scale of Survey | Seq |
1908 | 1910 | 1:20,000 | 03 |
Area (General) of Survey | Area (Specific) of Survey | Seq |
Quality of Survey Description | Processing Status Description | Seq |
05 |
Position Determination | Seq |
06 |
Code | Horizontal Datum of Records | Code | Original Horizontal Datum | Seq |
NOS04 | United States Standard Datum 1901 | NOS04 | United States Standard Datum 1901 | 07 |
code | Vertical Datum | tide | Original Sounding Units | Seq |
26 | Low Water Datum 577.5 ft IGLD-1985 L Michigan,Huron | feet | 08 |
Sounding Method | Seq |
Lead Line assumed | 09 |
c | Sound Velocity Correction | Seq |
5 | Non-acoustic depth measurement | 10 |
Data Processing Methodology | Seq |
Smooth sheets digitized for N.O.S. by National Geophysical Data Center | 11 |
Format of Data Records | Top Lat | Bottom Lat | Left Lon | Right Lon | Seq |
SURV,LAT,LON,VAL,TYP,CCODE(A8,F9.6,F10.6,F6.1,I1,I3) | +41.74 | +41.62 | -87.34 | -87.13 | 12 |
Additional Documentation |
Seq |
Smooth Sheet: "Soundings, in feet, are reduced to Standard Low Water Datum | 13 |
which for Lake Michigan is 578.50 feet above mean tide at New York." | 14 |
15 | |
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Note: You can find the comnplete HYD93 Format Specification, including all code descriptions, at