$! $! Input format for NAVOCEANO ADJLORAN $! using Input files $! $! Correction factor in decimal minutes. $! Sign convention: LAT - + moves North, - moves South. $! LON - + moves East, - moves West $! $! Comments are NOT OK in current program. $! ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE FOLLOWING WILL KILL PROGRAM, INCLUDING $! COMMENTS TO THE RIGHT (! COMMENT) AS IN OTHER INPUT FILES. $! The following apply: $! 1: INPUT FILE NAME $! 2: OUTPUT FILE NAME $! 3: START TIME (HHMM) $! 4: END TIME (HHMM) $! 5: LATITUDE ADJUSTMENT (+N, -S, M.MMMM) $! 6: LONGITUDE ADJUSTMENT (+E, -W, M.MMMM) $! 7: SCREEN OUTPUT, Y OR N $! $! $ GO_ADJLORAN FINALNAV:FX87_238.D00 PNAV:238-1.OUT 1735 1818 0 +.030 N $ EXIT